
Working at

We strive for a pleasant working atmosphere with mutual trust in which every employee feels good. For further growth we are looking for personnel.

We are a young team that enjoys a friendly atmosphere in the workplace, both in the offices and on the production site. Anyone who chooses a challenging job at Verbatex wants to develop further and help build our future.


Diverse functions in our offices

Our dossiers are as varied as our functions. Whether it's a responsibility in reception, sales, marketing, design, production, order entry, back office or accounting.

If you can see work, are flexible, want to learn and are comfortable in a small company, you have come to the right place.


A production site full of know-how

At our production site, we count on technicians, weavers, production supervisors, stitchers, controllers, slitters and other profiles every day. In short, people who want to go the extra mile.

Because we have highly automated and advanced machinery with the latest innovations, we offer extensive internal training that allows you to further develop yourself within our company.

Our company is full of experience that we would very much like to pass on to you.

"Whoever chooses a challenging job at Verbatex, wants to develop further and help build our future." -
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Visit our showroom

Would you like an insight into our qualities and designs?
Verbatex showroom 2024


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